Alternative Medicine Research Journal​

Writing Guidelines

Please format your manuscript based ib AMR journal formatting guidelines, detailed below. Manuscripts that closely follow the formatting guidelines will offer a smoother process to both the author(s) and the editorial board.

Formatting Guidelines
Please submit your manuscript in Microsoft Word/Apple Pages or a compatible format. Text should be formatted for letter size paper (8.5 x 11 inches) single-spaced at 12 points, Times New Roman, with one inch margins, left justified, and single- column. AMR Journal follow American Psychological Association (APA) guidelines.

  1. No submission fee. Publication fee will be optional AFTER the author's paper is officially approved and accepted by AMR Journal.
  2. Title: The title should be concise, descriptive, and contain the keywords or key phrases. ​
  3. ​​​ Acronyms: The use of acronyms should be avoided in the title and keywords unless widely recognized and understood.
  4. MS Word Format or compatible: Abstract submission should be in wording processing document such as MS. Word or any other compatible wording processing software formats.
  5. Author information: the title page should contain the manuscript title and each author name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address with the contact author indicated. The title page should also contain a short auto-biography of no more than 100 words for each author.
  6. Abstract: Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should contain all the keywords and key phrases at least once and more than once if necessary. Since most researchers read an abstract before reading the manuscript, abstracts must be written very well. Keywords: select 3 or 4 keywords or key phrases that you best describe the summary of your research.​ The abstract should include the following keypoints
    • section 1: using 1-2 sentences to a brief introduction of your research & motivations.
    • section 2: using 1-2 sentences to brief the current challenge and problems of your research topics.
    • section 3: using 3-4 sentence to beiefly describe your research methodology and design (i.e. qualitative vs quantitative; statistical analysis vs focus group/interviews)
    • section 4: using 1-2 sentence to describe the research findings /results (or expect findings) of the paper
No submission fee. Publication fee will be optional AFTER the author's paper is officially approved and accepted by AMR Journal.
Structure of the manuscript
  1. Page 1: Title page (containing the title of the manuscript, author contact information, and a short auto-biography for each author).  The title page should contain the manuscript title and each author name, affiliation, mailing address, and email address with the contact author indicated. The title page should also contain a short auto-biography of no more than 100 words for each author.
  2. Page 2 & beyond:
    • Title
    • Abstract
    • Keywords
    • Introduction
    • Body of manuscript
    • Tables, figures, etc. placed where they belong
    • Conclusion
    • Acknowledgments (if applicable)
    • References (American Psychological Association style)
    • Appendices (if applicable)
  3. Max Length: 10 pages (single space, 10 points, Times New Roman).
  4. Title: The title should be concise, descriptive, and contain the keywords or key phrases. ​
  5. ​​​Acronyms: The use of acronyms should be avoided in the title and keywords unless widely recognized and understood.
  6. Abstract: Abstracts should not exceed 250 words. The abstract should contain all the keywords and key phrases at least once and more than once if necessary. Since most researchers read an abstract before reading the manuscript, abstracts must be written very well. Keywords: select 3 or 4 keywords or key phrases that you best describe the summary of your research.​
  7. Headings: Four levels of headings are allowed. The first level should be BOLD ALL CAPS, second level Bold, third level Italics, and fourth Underlined.
  8. Tables & Figures: Use the Microsoft Word table function to create tables, not spreadsheets. Tables and figures should be located in the text and numbered sequentially using Arabic numerals, i.e., Table 1 and Figure 1. We print our journals in black and white; please take this into consideration when using color.
  9. Abbreviations: Abbreviations should be defined at first mention and used consistently thereafter.
  10. Footnotes: Bottom of the page footnotes are preferred to end of the manuscript endnotes.
  11. References: References should be arranged alphabetically and follow American Psychological Association (APA) style. References should not be inserted as footnotes. References in the text should include name and year.
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